16.1 Explain sacadas
- a solution to a problem
- explain modifier notation: (s) and (S)
16.2 “3 into 6” with fairy(S)
- ex: fool-fairy(S)-bartender
- ex: boss-fairy(S)-fisherman
- make your own
16.3 “3 into 6” with oz(S)
- ex: orphan-oz(S)-boss
- try different orphans to make sequence smoother
- ex: oz(S)-fairy(S)-bartender
- make your own
16.4 “3 into 6” with oracle(S)
- ex: orphan-oracle(S)-boss
- ex: oz(S)-fairy(S)-oracle(S)
- make your own
16.5 “3 into 6” with buddha(S)
- ex: fool-buddha(S)-fisherman
- ex: fisherman-buddha(S)-fisherman
- make your own