04/30/23 community meeting recap: Potluck, Prose & Poetry

This event came from an idea generated at the first community meeting in June 2022, when we were talking about non-tango-things that would be fun to do as a community. I also went to a reading that Kelly Macias was featured in, out in Echo Park, and the cozy-yet-we’re-talking-real-shit vibes were beautiful, so I got motivated to organize one for Oxygen. I asked Kelly to emcee, and lucky us she did because she for sure recreated the cozy-but-real-shit energy.

Both the human and the dog turnout was excellent. We had about 16 readers and some people who didn’t read at all. Some people read their own work, and some read their favorites by other people. I asked folks to send me what they read, and the ones I got back are linked below.

You can see Israel’s photos of the event here.

Kalea Power: So That You Will Hear Me by Pablo Neruda

Sacha Green: revolve the heavens by Sacha Green

Caroline Falk: In the Desert by Stephen Crane

Israel J: Defeat by Khalil Gibran

Rose Bloomfield: (No false) Hope by Rose Bloomfield

Magan Wiles: Excerpt from Letters from Westerbrook by Etty Hillesum