It Takes Books To Tango: "Love 2.0" by Barbara Fredrickson

A handbook for improving your health by kindling more love throughout your life

A handbook for improving your health by kindling more love throughout your life

What if we lived our whole lives in a continuous flow of love? 

There is a research scientist out there, Barbara Fredrickson, who has written a book explaining to us exactly how to cultivate loving, open-hearted, joy-soaked micro-moments of connection throughout every single day - alone, or with others. 

And, furthermore, she points out that if we do this it will probably, or rather, uh, definitely, like for sure according to science, be good for our immune system and a lot of other aspects of our health too. 

The word "love" is so fraught and it doesn't need to be. Reading this book I realized how sane it is to look at love through the lens of physiology. And, naturally, I got even MORE reasons why I have to dance a LOT of Tango. For my health and everybody else's. Read the book and tell me what you think!